Montana Statewide Library Resources

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Fall Fun for Everyone

Rosebud County Library has lots of fun fall events coming really soon!

Tomorrow teens and tweens can come into the library for our after-hours teen/tween night. We're serving up a full nacho bar and then we'll all try our hand at all the cool makeup and nail art tutorials from YouTube and Pinterest.. Then, of course there will be lots of pictures!

This Saturday we are having a fun craft get together. Just bring any craft you're working on or would like to share. This is a great opportunity to learn something new from your neighbors and get great ideas
Next Saturday is Halloween and we are doing something special for the little ones. They can come in during our open hours 10am-1pm that day in their costumes. We'll take pictures of them if they want and put them on our Facebook page. Who ever gets the most likes by Monday will get a prize!

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